Come to me, all you that are labour and heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
The Bible, Matthew 11:28
Hello, thanks for your visit. We would like to tell you a little bit about us, who we are, what we believe ...

We are Christians from the Darmstadt region and we are convinced that the Bible is still highly topical. In this book we find answers and help on the basic questions of life - but especially the crucial questions about:
Salvation, Security and Purpose of Life!
We found all of this through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Because through Jesus Christ, who died on the cross for our sins, we have forgiveness of our sins and peace with God.
You can actually experience that, it's not a theory! YOU can experience it too! We
believe that Jesus Christ also wants to give your life meaning and purpose - we would be happy to speak to you a little bit more about this message, in our meetings or in our bible house group.

Our faith is based on the Bible alone! In this unique book, God shows himself to us
and shares his standards with us.
We believe, among other things, that:
God is our creator.
the Bible is God's flawless word.
every human being is responsible before the Creator.
every person is a sinner and needs forgiveness.
Rescue is possible for everyone.
Jesus Christ, the Son of God, is the only way to salvation.
there is a heaven and a hell after death.
saved people will be with Jesus Christ in heaven forever.

The Bible regards everyone whose sins are forgiven by personal faith in the Lord Jesus Christ as a member of the one, worldwide church of God .
This is formed by all true Christians on earth, regardless of the denomination or in which Christian group such a Christian is.
That is why we feel connected to all believers through Jesus Christ, our Savior, who alone is the foundation and center of his church (assembly).